Its sad to see these favorite items packed away for another year. Poor Gus our family favorite ghost. But it helps to see some new items make there way into the house and out of the closet!
I think most women can relate to buying a couple impulsive items and feeling great for the following days. And who can avoid piling in the cute Christmas stuff now that its enveloping every store! I picked up a couple little decorations and am starting to put them out! EEK I love this season. I will be decorating in full on Saturday. Yes I know thanksgiving is in between for most people but Im still a Canadian no matter where I live and the real one was back in October so Im moving on to the next and best holiday of the year!
I’m literally itching to keep decorating tonight. A few things aren’t gonna hurt anyone right? Does any one else decorate this early?
Woo! Look at all these posts! Go you! I totally bookmarked this at work so I can look at it everyday! Keep it up!
Hello Avery Beth!
Thanks for the support! Cant wait for you to guest blog!