Hello Blog world!
You know after all this cranio stress it doesn’t take much to make something a great day. Well this weekend sure topped anything lately!
1. A surprise present from a new friend. I love surprises and how cute are these adorable cupcake tea towels! I wish Ikea was closer to us because I would be day dreaming there often!
2. My sister in law gave us a giant box of hand me downs! I love getting hand me downs. And I’ve already fallen in love with some of these outfits on my nephews. Like the matching Pj’s I got all the boys the christmas before we got pregnant. The suit my first nephew wore to our wedding. (nothing will ever be cuter!) And a whole bunch of other amazing little man clothes! {That Peacoat and those knit Pajama’s!}
3. This one is for sure the best part of the weekend/month/year. We traded in my old Mazda Tribute for a brand new Dodge Journey. I had already fallen in love with the Journey, but we were looking at used first. But they managed to trade mine in for a much better deal. I’ve never had a new car so we are both smitten with everything, down to the new car smell! But our favorite perks include the 2 {removable} coolers built into the floor, The built in booster seats in the middle row, the extra third row {I can fit 7 people in my new car!} And the Uconnect. I love that I don’t need to be remotely near my phone to answer calls through my car now. So much safer for Sawyer and I! Which also reminds me keyless entry and the push start button! O I could go on and on. I am finding any excuse to drive my new baby. Smitten for sure. {They let Sawyer ring the Gong, video is on fb. quite funny, he was into it until the gong made any sound. Then not so much!}
4. Another big family get together. I do love lazy weekend get togethers. Everyone in the pool with the whole bunch of growing kids. The just right amount of hot. Its just perfect feeling. In honor of Memorial Day this long weekend, I made a patriotic firecracker bundt cake. I swirled red, white and blue batter together and topped it with the same melted frosting, and sprinkles. After I baked it I decided it wasn’t big enough for the big get together so I made some extra cupcakes last minute. Chocolate with buttercream, melted blue frosting dripped on top and again sprinkles for fun. I love making themed cakes. Glad this one turned out so fun! And it was sure a big hit with everyone, which is always makes my day.
Sawyer had such a good time. He is slowly warming up to the pool faster each time. Today we even got him into a floaty on his own! But having so much fun wears him out fast. A nap during his bottle and he was out before we got half way home. I love watching him on our monitor being old cold like that. No one sleeps quite as cute as this little man!