For the Love of Cars.

If none of you knew, my dad is very into cars. Hot Rods in particular. He built his first a couple years before I was born. And then sold it for his first baby girl. (cue me.) It’s taken my dad my whole life, to slowly built from the ground up, another one. His little yellow ’29 Model A “Ace.” We recreated the last shot taken with it, a month before I was born, 24 years later while I was pregnant with Sawyer.

And last Christmas Sawyer got a special treat, a ride in his first car. Not quite a fan yet. {not even sitting up yet!} But regardless his first ride was pretty darn cute. If I do say so myself.

Eight months later we’re back in my childhood house to find the old peddle car my dad built us. Painted purple because it had to be girly but he wouldn’t budge on the pink request. It even had a trunk so I could take all my barbies along for the ride. Well sawyer had his first ride in it this week. And it looks good on him! {I wasn’t even home but I think I have everyone trained on my motto of “take pictures ALL the time.”}

But sawyer got an even bigger surprise when “santa” pulled up this week with his bag of goodies. Cake supplies and a vintage heart waffle iron. {a special treat from our childhood.} But even better a vintage camera! It was supposed to be Brandon’s, but I’ve already stolen it as mine. I just love vintage camera’s. And when you wind this one up, the clicking sound is so heartwarming to a passionate memory keeper. I love knowing that I am holding something that gave someone in the past amazing memento’s. Thank you Santa!

So Sawyer got his first mini ride in a hot rod. I’m sure my Dad is thrilled to finally have a boy in the family. Someone who might actually want to play with cars over barbies.

And I am thrilled to know how many more cute “Boy and his Car” pictures there is going to be in the future!

3 thoughts on “For the Love of Cars.”

  1. HoHoHo!! When you find things that remind you of someone and you know someone will appreciate the gift (and the thought) – you just HAVE to make the effort. Elves can’t make everything.

    1. Haha Elves made them and one point and sad that they got left behind with no one to love them. That camera is joining a well loved collection back in Vegas! Kimmy is keeping the heart waffle maker. So you’ll have to come for Breakfast one day to try it out!

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