We all know my love for pinterest by now. I spend as much time as possible on there. (Its a bigger time waster than facebook!) I currently have 4233 pins, 29 boards and 154 followers. (I feel so awesome about that last one, I feel like I am winning some pinterest popularity contest haha) Last night I saw that CNN ireport was looking for people to submit what they have actually done from pinterest. Basically, is pinterest actually inspiring projects or is it just a waste of time. I started pulling my projects off and comparing them with my own that I had completed. I now need to go back through every pin and do this. Ive found 27 so far that Ive accomplished. A couple more that I am actually in the middle of! I think its awesome seeing them side by side. Makes me feel more inspired to get more done. That was my new years resolution wasn’t it? So check out my report here.
And remember to message me if you want an invite as pinterest is currently invite only (lissables@gmail.com)
Here’s a couple more I couldn’t add to the report since they will only allow you 10 photos per report.
Keep on pinning and if you want to follow me Im RIGHT HERE