Giving Thanks #5

Some days I have planned out in advance, some days I don’t. But some days someone reminds me what it is to be completely selfless and give until their hearts burst. Tonight I am thanking someone I haven’t seen since junior high. It’s almost been 10 years. But through the magic of facebook we manage to keep in touch. I love seeing her adventurous life through pictures! The benefit of social media and what it should be truly used for. Tonight I used the same tool to get a message out to my own mother. Simply that I missed her and would give her a hug if only I could.

In return I received a message from this friend. Who happens to be a  flight attendant. And in this little message she gave one of the biggest gifts. The opportunity to make this hug a reality. This is not the first time she has offered up buddy passes. Nor the second. This is the third time she has gifted me {through my mom} with buddy passes. For those of you who do not know how a buddy pass works, it gives you a free flight, you only pay taxes. Is there a bigger gift possible? Nope! Three times. And I havent seen her in 10 years. That adds up to 100% selfless.

I love the above quote. I think it suits this situation to a T. I will never be able to replay you for all the memories we’ve made with these buddy pass trips. The joy it will put back this weekend. Not only for myself, but for Sawyer and my mom. Thank you so much Krista!

You’ll never know how much this meant to us.

Thank You.

1 thought on “Giving Thanks #5”

  1. Alissa!! i am at work just on a slow day and I thought i’d read your blog… and Oh my word… this brought me to tears!! Thank you so much for the kind words. You are a great mother and someone with a very admirable fighting spirit. the universe gifts the people who “need” gifts, not who “want” gifts. Thank you for the smile :).

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