Max didn’t get a smash cake session like I wanted to do, but these photos more than make up for it! I shot them on 2 different days, on 2 different sides of Mt. Charleston. Beware, this is going to be a lot of photos in this post, because how could I possibly just choose a few with this amazing little face.
I did this shoot 1 month before his birthday so we could use them for his Birthday Invitations. If you were one of the lucky ones who got one, you know there was a special request on them. In lieu of presents we wanted to do a donation instead. We did the same thing with Sawyer’s first Birthday and gave to the Cranio Carebears foundation, who were a huge support during his surgery & recovery. We are so lucky Max is a completely healthy happy baby, but we still wanted to give back. So I thought about what played a big part of the year September 2014- September 2015, and I knew just who we needed to honor. Evanna is only a couple months older than Max, so her little face was always in my mind when we celebrated milestones at home and they celebrated totally different ones in a hospital. Since the day we came home from the hospital with Max, they went in and never got to leave. She has spent over a full year in the hospital now and I cant even begin to imagine how hard this is on her family. One week for us in the PICU still seems like forever, and its long gone. Evanna has 22q11 or DiGeorge Syndrome. She has had multiple open heart surgeries among others. She is a fighter and has braved through some really low days. There is no one I can think of who deserved this extra bit of love more. You can read more about her journey at
And lastly I have to share these 3 from our other last minute shoot. Alexie from Alexie Jane Photography who I love working with, helped me climb a mountain carrying a chair, balloon, my camera, AND a baby! She is a lifesaver in all things photography and my life. I could not have gotten these photos without her and they will live on as favorites for many years to come.
Vendor list
Photography Lissables Photography
Both Knit Crowns Cloud Co. Clothing
Wild Pants Little and Brave
Shirts, Wild Things from Target, Max from Amazon.
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