That has already been fulfilled. I know Christmas is still 23 days away. Trust me I am counting down the minutes! But seeing as I decorated my Christmas tree a month early than Christmas presents should be opened 30 days later? Well thats what were going to argue for my hubby’s sake. Who was too excited about the sweet present he got me. Since he also wanted to play with it. He got me a new camera! A Canon Rebel T2i and Im loving it. Although its all backwards from my Nikon. Ahh haha I had finally learned to use my old camera and now Im jumping both feet in with a new one. But I am so excited about it that I am actually reading the manual. Granted it literally put me to sleep but I am trying!
On another happy note our family is moving from three to four! O I know some of you may have just read that getting teary eye’d. Nope we are not preggers. Dont worry I wouldnt share that through the blog (who am I kidding I probably will) But this is a new little puppy joining us. My sister is giving her puppy up for a better opportunity that I’m wishing her luck with. And her puppy is coming to live with us! Should have just taken her back when I had the chance now I have to wait three weeks. But I cant wait for WallE to meet his new girlfriend!
Look forward to some crafty crafts coming up and Im doing a beautiful baby shower on Saturday. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!
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