So today like most people, we settled in around the tv with way too many bad snacks and the volume way up. It was my first ever Superbowl. Needless to say I don’t feel like I missed anything all those years. I really was only watching for the commercials. So in my mind it was the Doritos that won : )
Anyways because of this there was not much time for creative crafting. But have no fear! I have something for you anyways. It wouldn’t be 14 Days of Valentines if I missed a day! So tonight after all the celebrating (thank goodness the team we were cheering for won) I hit print and now I have something to share with you!
Again over at Martha I found some super cute and again easy templates for you. The first is a folding heart card. It was originally a “save the date” But I think the idea is too cute to only use once a lifetime. So why not use it as a card. Ignore how plain mine is, like I said not much time left over today. But you can spice yours up a million different ways. I will definitely be making another when I’m not pressed for time.
The second is a Valentine Message Wheel. Really anyone can do this. Do you have a printer, a brad and scissors? Good then your set. Just print the linked template and cut along the edge of the circles and the dotted line. Then overlap them and fill in the blanks ( I choose to fill in my own but they also include some pictures to use instead.) Push a brad through the center and voila your done. That simple, and what a cute little token of love to share with your someone special!
So Happy Superbowl Sunday to everyone! Keep watching us this week we have lots more very cute stuff for the 14 Days of Valentines! And with that I have to go work on some of the upcoming projects!