Well I am 30 weeks. Things have been going great. I was lucky to escape all morning sickness, I havent had any real cravings, although I do very much enjoy chicken wings and chinese food, two things I despised before pregnancy. I havent been on bedrest or had any complications. I just passed my glucose test, everything is going well!
Except the fact that this baby is measuring like a linebacker! Ive been scheduled for an additional ultrasound. At the high risk clinic. So of course I am super anxious for it, wanting to know if this is a bad thing or not. But Im a worrier so thats normal. Fingers crossed he is just fine, and going to be a star football player one day haha.
But here is the most updated bump pictures so you can see for yourself there is a big boy in there!
Ps as big as he is and all the “O my goodness you must be due ANY DAY!” comments I do love the bump. I think women are beautiful with them and I love that I finally have one. Plus the stretch marks are already there, no going back now!