Long Time No Blog

It seems no matter what I do when I leave on a trip I do not blog. This time I even lined up a bunch of things to blog about. And still just couldn’t get around to it. That’s life. If you didn’t know I was jetting around the world last week. We made the long drive from Las Vegas to Calgary and from there the very long plane ride from Calgary to London! Yes I was in London at the beginning of this very week! How crazy. So before I share all the fun things I was supposed to blog about last week, let me show you the highlights from London!

We did Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, and Westminister Abbey. We did all the fun tourist things. Things I got to do last time I was in London but it was fun to share it with Brandon and discuss different stories about it.

We went to the Cotswold’s, small surrounding towns to London. It was just beyond beautiful! We saw Warwick Castle and Hampton Court. We walked through Hyde Park and St James park. We even made time to shop at Harrods so I could get some British chocolate for my mom! There was many photo ops to be had!

We went to the portabella Market which was made famous by the movie “Notting Hill.” Brandon got to play with some old camera’s and featured the Super 8. I got to sample some british cupcakes at the hummingbird bakery. Not as good as lissables cupcakes if I do say so myself : )

And Lastly some sharing of the weather we had. It rained and did it ever. Brandon and I were trapped for 10 minutes behind a tree while a storm hit during our walk through Hyde park. So intense we even got hail! Somehow being trapped in a storm in a park with an umbrella is just not as romantic as the movies make it out to be! So I got used to wearing my big rain coat with everything, and thank goodness for all the scarves I brought! And since I was a little bigger than normal I didnt do much shopping for myself. However the little man got some fun stuff. And those would be my favorite. Which is funny since I got all the way home on that 8 hr plane ride before I discovered that the one with the bus on it saying “Nothing Hill” rather than “Notting Hill.” O well! Guess its going to just make me smile when he wears it now!

London sure was fun and a have so many more memories and photo’s I could share with you but that would just bore you. So I’ll leave you instead with Brandon’s photo project while we were away. He is always making me laugh and being on vacation only intensified that. So goodnight and you have a laugh too!

Where does the time go…

I had just written my last post and then lined up some coming posts and then I didnt write them! Its like time is going faster these days, and theres nothing we can do about it. I was told that the 8 months I had to wait till October were going to be the longest of my life. And yet I keep thinking where did 4 months go! (ps 20 weeks now.)

So lets back track a bit.

Last week after sharing the template for those o so cute cupcake stands, I forgot to share it was an order I was doing for a returning client. Love when that happens. Shows the cupcakes speak for themselves. And I just love them. Simple Chocolate with buttercream and shaved white chocolate. And lemon with vanilla buttercream. Simple but sweet.

Then we had a whole band stay the weekend with us while Brandon shot a music video for them. (which is looking so good so far!) It was definitely a busy weekend! But I love having company at the house. And speaking of two of Brandon’s friends are here till this weekend now. Im getting training for feeding boys haha! But it has been fun.

And lastly for today Im sharing my favorite picture of the week. While on location for one of the video’s I found this sign and was a little too excited to take a maternity shot with it! I thought could it get better, its got the crazy mop top, the belly, the ever growing behind, and short legs. This is definitely my sign!

Stay tuned lots of fun stuff I still need to share!

Just So You Know

You may have notice this past month has been bad for posting, and especially this last week while my mom was here. Sometimes life gets the best of you and you dont get to blog! I know I know the travesty! And though there is not much to update you on except baby stuff, I thought I would stop by and let you know were still doing great! 18 weeks now, heartburn and stretch marks going strong! And in maternity jeans now! I think Im going to live in them for the rest of my life! Haha all pants should have an elastic waist.

Plus we just bought the crib! and Im a little overjoyed about it! Its very different but Ive decided not to share with everyone till its set up in the nursery! And there are just a few too cute outfits piled high in the waiting bassinet. Ive got to say this little kid is going to be the best dressed little man around. And this is only the beginning, so now that “grandma” is gone its back to no shopping for awhile. Which is a good thing otherwise were gonna need a bigger closet!

And while I have been absent this is not going to get much better. This week we have an insane line up of people staying with us, too many for too little rooms! But its going to be fun! And then hopefully we can get started on some baby projects. Apparently all in blue now! Ps Im doing some desserts I’ll be sharing this week too! You’ll want to check back for that recipe! Strawberries, pound cake, and more yummy layers to follow!

Sometimes its good to live in Vegas

When I had to move away from home it was really hard. Im sure when I told my family for the first time they were thinking “the girl who is afraid of everything and every place is moving away from her little lovable perfect hometown?” My one Aunt even told me she would have placed money on me being the only kid NOT to move away. So I cant imagine when I had just surprised them with going on a solo trip to London, England and being back two months before I sprung the “Im moving to another country” thing, how they felt. I too never EVER thought I would move away from home. (It may help to know there as about a million red zones in my mind that I cant ever live in between Canada and the US alone. I wont live anywhere with tornado’s, hurricane’s, earthquakes all those things, thats pretty limiting.) But Vegas had one big awesome part. My heart lived there with my soon to be hubby. So I took the jump and followed him. And as much as it severely sucks for me some times, not having my family just down the road, let alone in the same state, let alone same country. (Hey at least they are on the same continent!) The good thing about living in Las Vegas is that there is always people in town on vacation or visiting.

So I dont know if my awesome readers have noticed, Ive been a bit slower on the posts recently. Well we have pretty much a revolving door or people in town from April 17-May 23! And I love it. I have seen friends, my Aunt, My In-laws (including my mother and father in-law, my brother and sister in-law and my nephew, and my other brother and sister in-law and my other nephew! Wow lots!) My best friend (who is the reason I am slow this weekend! Having way too much fun!) My mom soon! And more friends at the end of the visiting spree. And I literally mean they are back to back to back visits. Not everyone is staying with us haha which is nice because we get the visits without the stress. But its amazing being able to see so many of my friends and family from back home all the time. And its not just this month, since Ive moved I continue to have friends in town usually once a month, because people are always coming to Las Vegas. So glad we did not have to move to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere without a million direct west jet flights!

I just wanted to share how lucky I am to see the people I love as much as I do with living away from home. Just my random thoughts of the day. I promise the rest of the week will not be as boring of posts because I have a build up of pictures to share and recipes to make! Lots of fun stuff as I prepare for more people. But for now its short and boring because I have to get back to giggling like a little girl with my best friend who I never get to see! Real life is more important than the internet! Haha

Happy Easter!

I hope the Easter Bunny was kind to all of my readers! He surprised my hubby with a couple treats, same with my dad, yet he seemed to boycott the women… haha. Which is fine because I didnt need anything else after the brunch we had today! Mmm it was good. Im using the baby as an excuse of why I had two full plates! It was so very yummy. Then we got to watch a very exciting egg hunt with kids scattering everywhere. I love magical days for kids. The Easter Bunny even showed up to give everyone hugs. Cant replace those smiles.

Now Im baking one of my favorite casseroles (its my favorite when I bake my favorite meals and the whole house smells of it) to take over to my sister in laws house for dinner. Because I need to eat more! But I cant wait, this baby sure has made me love food more and more. But for now Happy Easter. I’ll have lots of stories and pictures to share tomorrow!

PS miss you lots today Mom, Dad and Kimmy!

Apple Seed Creations

I am not a big fan of online orders. But for some companies that rule doesn’t apply! Apple Seed Creations is one of those companies! I happen to have a long distance friendship with the owner. So I have watched the company grow from a hobby to a client catering company. That’s right she even customizes lots of her items directly to you! She creates everything by hand and with so much love. I have to say watching all the new items come in over the last year just made me want to have a baby even more! I couldn’t wait to order one of everything! And you may be thinking baby is not here yet. Which is why my big order has not been placed. I need to know pink or blue first! So soon there will be a giant Apple Seed box at my door. And I cant wait till then!

But then they introduced some adult only items! Yay! I mean it was instant love. You may notice from my pictures I have an obsession with floral headbands. I love them all big, little, flat, puffy. So when I saw this headband (in mustard yellow my absolute favorite color!) I just had to have it. And even though I live as far away as possible! There was no problem and my package arrived actually earlier than I was expecting! I cant tell you how fast I ripped that thing open. This headband is in every way perfect. Handmade (I just love supporting handmade items) very cute in color and style, and the best part its comfy! I wore it all night and all day the next day. Most of my headbands only last half a day before they get the headache kick. This I could wear forever!  And beyond all those good points, the price! So affordable, for all budgets. I cant rave about it enough but you’ll know if you get one yourself!

So you will have to go check them out and make sure you like the Apple Seed Creations facebook page. Then you too can drool all over the cute new items appearing all the time. They make great baby gifts if you don’t already have a baby, and if you do well then you can start stocking up on all that cute stuff! Here is just a couple of my favorites that are just waiting to be bought!

Front top left in clockwise order: A custom initial/name onesie, Travel wipes case, Sock Monkeys, (the original items) An adult headband in pink, Another in purple (the same style that I got) A super cute baby gift of cloths as lollipops, and lastly another super cute onesie with handmade fabric flowers! So make sure you check them out!


Most people collect a certain item. Collectible spoons for my one grandma, Danish collectible plates for the other. Vintage cookbooks for my friend. Collection debt for the other half of the country. (just kidding teehee) But for me Ive never collected anything, aside from barbie dolls and broken hearts. Kidding again! But lately I have had a special little addiction. Last May I bought my first cake plate. I should have known it would be down hill from there. The good part is that a lot of them have been gifts. The bad part what was I thinking trying to store 12 (so far) cake plates in a house with no basement!

Speaking of cake plates lets bring up something that has nothing to do with cake plates! Remember a couple weeks ago I shared a link to Oreo Chocolate Peanut Butter spread. Well I finally got around to making it myself. Easiest thing in the world. Took minutes and went back into the original jar. With some to spare as a gift! Well you must make it. Then spread it on bread, apples, a spoon!

So go check out that recipe and share with me what you liked to pair it with!


You may have noticed we were down this week. I was having some site troubles. On top of not posting it was deleting my posts every time I wrote! Not all my hair has been pulled out, so I will be going back to share some of those same thoughts. Thanks for sticking around!

Spring is in the Air!

Maybe its the baby in my tummy making me all cheerful and doe eye’d but this year I am just in love with everything spring! The colors, the weather, the crafts! Ive never liked spring as much as this year. Im in love with all the dresses and capri’s and tank tops, (most from my closet of which dont fit me anymore!) Its just such a happy time of year. So I have plans for a couple crafts and recipes in the coming months, plans because since getting pregnant I put off a lot of those crafts to nap.

But here are a couple things that are pulling at my heartstrings just asking to be made. I mean I think I need that mason jar light set in my nursery. (so Dad if your reading this Im going to collect the jars and paint them but the actually lighting and setting up is going to be on you…) The Banner of colored eggs are just pant samples cut into the shape of eggs and then strung up. How simple and cute. And the peeps wreath in the pot. Just all my favorite things rolled into one!

I just love how the colors just are all so beautiful and happy. If you are making any spring/easter crafts or recipes I would love to see them! Please share them me!

Happy Birthday Love

As some of you know this Sunday was a little special for us. Brandon is ringing in his 26th year! (what when did this happen?) When we met he was just 22 and we started dating a year later. And now he’s 26! Isn’t it weird how life can do that so fast.

Well its been an amazing year, and it was definitely a fun day together. We kicked it off with a baseball game. (In the freezing cold!) Even though they didn’t win it was still fun to watch him play again. We had a little traditional Birthday lunch at Chipotle. They even gave him a mini bag of chips to celebrate. And then Brandon did the unthinkable! He pulled the veto card on a no cake birthday! I had his cake all planned out (cant tell you because I still plan on making it) But it was his birthday so no cake. Even though he married the cake lady. But understandable as we were going out for a big dinner! We have a favorite little place, a small hole in the wall gem. Its a little Italian place and its “our” place. So we celebrated there with his sister and her husband. Great meal, great conversation, great night!

And he even let me sneak a couple pictures in! That was like a gift to me! Brandon hates pictures, so I loved that I got this cute one of us! It was a nice birthday for just the two of us. The last one of its kind! (wink wink)

So Happy Birthday to my favorite person. You make me laugh every day and that’s the greatest feeling in the world. I couldn’t imagine life without you. I hope we celebrate many more of these amazing days together. Love you so much!