Did you wear green today?

Because I didn’t. I should have been pinched to death but no one in my family wore green so there was a truce. Normally I love making special days all about those little traditions. I was babysitting again today and their mom told them leprechauns had snuck into the house and turned their apple juice green. How cute is that. I love that stuff. But its just not as fun without kids. So one day!

Brandon’s birthday is coming up so you better believe there is going to be some cake coming up this weekend! I got my cupcake cake pop mold in the mail so that’s going to be my excuse to make them! Plus some other special cupcakes! Yummy.

I haven’t been on top of the blog this week because we’ve been enjoying the awesome weather. Walking the dogs, playing catch and even a little baseball, just the two of us. I’m sure it was entertaining for Brandon to watch me throw and attempt to hit the ball to him.  That’s what I am assuming he was laughing at as I spin in full circles. And that why I am dying on the couch right now. I didn’t know my back had that many muscles that could hurt the day after!

So I hope you all had a fantastic St. Patricks Day! And celebrated in which ever way you choose to!

Mini Pumpkin Pies!

Yum, I’m guessing that title enticed you to come over and read the rest of today’s post. Yes its true I found the perfect combination between cupcakes and pies. I started with a basic cake recipe and added a whole lot of pumpkin in a can. Toss in lots of pinches of spices and add some vanilla buttercream, and voila! Pumpkin pie cupcakes.

I think the best part was that they didn’t have a cake texture they really felt like you were eating mini pies. It was very dangerous to have them in the house for sure! Good thing most of them went out the next morning for a friends birthday. But I’d imagine these will be a staple dessert this November!

Hey also I had a friend and reader Message me a picture of her beautiful cards she made with the heart card tutorial! I love seeing stuff my readers make. So in the future or you see something from a past post you want to make message me the results. I would love to share the amazing work you guys do too! Here’s Rachelle’s “Just Because” Cards!

Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend!

Ive Been Busy

That’s a total lie? haha Ive been lazy is more like it. Sometimes my life just isn’t interesting enough to post a whole blog about. That sums up this week. I’m babysitting like mad. I’ll be with my pretend kids overnight all weekend. I like to think of it as parent boot camp. Just thrown into chaos. I’m going to bring Brandon since its overnight and I am still a big wuss and am afraid of the dark pretty much. And then after he wants to pull his hair out I’ll ask “so when do you want to make some of these crazy little monsters!” Haha Its a good thing I love those kids so much!

Highlights from this week: We played monopoly for the first time together and apparently for the first time ever for Brandon. He told me the only other time he had played was when he was still eating the money. Haha. It was another first time. First time Ive ever seen a game end. I am used to everyone just bailed three hours in. But it was always a favorite of mine, it reminds me of playing with my grandpa He made every move special. Especially the beauty contest card. So I crushed Brandon. I had no mercy for the first timer. He definitely put up a fight and Ive never seen someone go to jail quite that often. And then want to stay there so he didn’t have to hit my corner haha. We played another game later that night (two games of monopoly in one night unheard of in my family!) And Brandon learned too quickly and definitely was killing me when I bailed three hours in at midnight.

Our other highlight was buying a dog grooming kit. In the past Ive cut the dogs hair with scissors. Brutal is all I can say. And apparently they look worse than how I feel after doing it. So we broke down and bought one from target. Brandon was in charge since I was still afraid it was going to cut the puppy on every swipe. We did karma first since the second that thing turned on WallE disappeared instantly. We’ll catch him later this week. We’ll it was a lot easier and way faster. She looks pretty cute but wont pose for pictures. But it was a cute moment when we were giving Walter a bath and Karma sat patiently outside waiting for him. Like she was going to save him when we opened the sliding door. They are too cute together.

Other than that just babysitting. And Im baking pumpkin pie cupcakes as we speak! They are o so yummy! And with the buttercream frosting, well I might just eat them all tonight by myself!

Life as it is.

So Ive been bad at posting lately. That’s a big combo with a bunch of stuff. I meant to share a Banana Bread recipe with you. I bought the banana’s. Brandon bought fresh ones and I bought the discount already on their way out banana’s. His are worse than mine already! Mine have not changed at all, thus no Banana Bread recipe for you yet. Soon though I swear.

Then I did actually do some baking. But of all things didn’t take any pictures. Wow that is a rare occurrence. Since if you know me I take pictures of the dogs every time they move. Everything I cook or bake. And every time I can sneak a picture of Brandon without him getting mad. So sorry nothing to blog about those red velvet and cream cheese cupcakes. Though I really think I cracked the code on cinnabon frosting with the new cream cheese recipe! haha. Not a good thing.

Then there was some family stuff. Some happy news and a lot of sad news. And then more sad news. And it never seemed to end. Which is always hard when you are so far away from your family. I cant reach out and do the simplest thing to help. Just a hug. But I got to talk to my sister and my mom and dad today. Lots of laughing and love shared in those calls so I know everything is going to be just fine. Still doesn’t change that I miss and love you though.

So thats it. Normally I am better at excuses but thats all the lame ones today! And hopefully you can look forward to better stuff this week. I’ll be sharing cupcakes tomorrow. And recipes for mac and cheese lasagna. Because anything with kraft dinner in it is amazing. Hopefully some Banana Bread! Those dang things better change soon. And maybe if your lucky even some scrapbooking.

Until then its just another night with my hubby, the dogs, slippers and popcorn!

My Mom is My Hero & Happy Birthday

Every kid is asked at some point in grade school to write about their hero. And most choose mom or dad. I was not a chooser. So I’m pretty sure I wrote about my aunt? But I do have a book that I wrote in at a young age. All my wildest dreams. I remember reading that I thought I was going to be a hair dresser/ phone girl. Apparently I wanted to be both my parents at once. But now Ive turned out to be neither. And maybe that’s for the best. I mean we would have never discovered my amazing cupcake skills if not!

But I wanted to share some stories today. (And pictures because what better ways to share memories for a picture-holic like me.) Being that it is a special birthday. I bet you cant guess who’s. She is not just my mom. (My dad is going to hate this) she is my best friend. (Don’t worry dad you are too. But today is not your day.) I can talk to her about anything. We can laugh about nothing. We can cry at the same song on the radio. We can spend an hour on the phone and not realize its gone by so fast. I’m lucky enough that she visits me as much as she does. Sometimes I think I see her more than some people that live in the same city, let alone country. And I cherish that. The main thing is I love her and nothing can replace her.

My mom is not much taller than me and being that little automatically makes you cute. Plus she has her fair share of blond moments. I could remember more I wasn’t also blond myself. My favorite would be the doughnut ride. But that’s an inside joke and it wouldn’t be anymore if I told you. There is also the Disney coffee, and the sausage. I hope those made you laugh out loud mom. Because I love your laugh. And even more I love your laugh lines. It shows you’ve had an amazing life. And that should be nothing to hide.

My mom is also the one who inspired my love of creativity. Scrapbooking to photography. Home decor to shopping. She is very good at inspiring you to make anything your own. Now half the things in my house are handmade and I wouldn’t want it any other way. But she inspired so much more. Reading, and if you didn’t know I’m the crazy person who sometimes gets so into a book I need to read it all in one sitting. No matter how late it gets. Cheerleading, yup my mom was the one who let me reach those dreams of flying. Sometimes I wish she had pushed just a little harder that last year. I sure do miss it.And of course just being loving person in general. What goes around comes around. That’s what she always said. And she didn’t think it meant the mean things others did would come around to them eventually. She meant if you are a wonderful person wonderful things will happen to you. Yes she did have a lot of sayings. It was like she was a phrase book in high school. “whats meant to be will be,” “a minute on the lips, forever on the hips,” haha she’s not cruel just honest. And there was a million others. And we can laugh about some. And others I know she was telling the truth. She was helping me through every “horrific” high school break up and celebrating every time I was on top of the world.

And though its hard to be apart. I know our relationship never suffers. It grows stronger with each day. Because she is my mom. She will always be there for me. And I will always be there for her. So on this one day a year. I wanted to share how much she means to me. I love you more. Happy Birthday Mom.

Unwritten rules

This sentence is going to make my dad happy. In life you need rules. There I said it, Im no longer the teenager breaking all of them. Of course there is the general ones, wear your seat belt, don’t swim after eating, never give info over the Internet. But those are standard and sometimes standard is boring. So in my life I have some unwritten rules too.

Rule #1

Always, ALWAYS stop and buy lemonade from the kids on the corner.

Every time I see that pitcher of lemonade I have to stop. They are usually so happy and especially nervous. Sometimes I don’t get enough money back. Sometimes I get too much and have to help them out. Some are good like the kid in the next block who seems so be a weekly stand lately haha. And of course I’ve had some where I cant wait to get around the corner to spit it back out. But most importantly its about a good old tradition. I can still remember hanging outside my friend Justine’s house to sell lemonade on a rare summer day in Calgary. And then ripping down to the 7-11 to spend out earnings on penny candy. Nothing replaces childhood happiness so if I can help in any way, especially when its as easy as a dollar of lemonade, who can say no. O this rule applies to girl guide cookies as well!

Rule #2

The shopping cart always gets returned.

I’m not sure why this has always been a rule. Could be because the Safeway near us made you pay a quarter for each cart. As a kid rounding up a couple was an easy bag of penny candy in my hands. (have you noticed I did, maybe still do anything to get my hand on candy?) Anyways it bothers me to no end when people cant walk the ten steps to put their cart back. So when I’m taking mine back I usually grab a couple extras. Brandon even got in the swing of things today when he rounded up a stray one that people were literally driving around to avoid. When did people get so lazy?

Rule #3

Always celebrate with cake!

Anniversary, Birthdays, Christmas, V-day, Mothers day, April fools day, Saturday, Tuesday. Celebrate the big and the little days with cake. Because not everyone will always be there for you, but cake and icing will. Ok but these friends aren’t the nicest to your waist line so maybe don’t celebrate every day with them.


And this is the most important.

Always tell the people you love that you love them.

Nothing is certain in this life. So if you have the chance tell those special people how much you care about them. It may sound cheesy but I try to end every phone call with an I love you. Emails, letters, sometimes even texts. Love is the most important thing in the world so share it. You never know when you wont be able to anymore.

And between all those boring rules and your own unwritten rules. Try to have fun. Live your life. Love yourself.

Have a Happy Monday!

O Hey Remember Me?

I wouldnt blame you if you didnt. But hey life sometimes is more important than a computer. I know, I know, crazy right! So anyways life was a little crazy, my parents were in town, and it was Valentines Day and blogging got away from me!

But Im back! (and hopefully your excited about that) No crafts or fun stuff to share with you guys today. Just some highlights from the last week. But I have some recipes to share and some upcoming projects in the coming days! Yay.

So Vday was pretty calm. Since we normally celebrate a week after. So I was not expecting anything and completely missed my surprise. A set of plates I had mentioned I like too much 2 weeks ago. My mom just casually says “these are sure nice plates, when did you get them?” haha apparently that same minute. Such a sweetie I have. The funny part was that the location he went to was out of the small plates so he wrote that sweet note from my fridge grocery pad list. Again too cute! So for our low key night in I got to make my heart pasta and serve it on my new plates!

And since they dont have any grandbabies of their own. We borrowed my sister in law’s little boys. We soon discovered my dad is just a big kid who also enjoys playing pretend picnic’s. And my mom had her hands full of another little monkey! They really love being around those kids. Because they are just a bunch of big kids!

And on our last day together we decided to get out and have some fun family time. I suggested bowling, since I love it. And then for the third time this year discovered I still have not learned how to bowl. Apparently its pretty comical when I hurl that ten pound ball. Brandon imitated it and I have to say Im awesome. So there was lots of laughs, and many more gutter balls. But all around a perfect way to end the trip!

All in all always great to have family visit. And of course it always goes too fast. So until next time. Love you Miss you and counting down the days.

Calling All Creative Junkies!

Hey everyone! Starting February 1st  I am kicking the month off with 14 days of Valentines. Each day I will share a fun little project/tutorial related to hearts, love and all things valentines. I am also throwing it out to you, if you would like to share a craft you think would fit the theme, to be a guest blogger! If you interested email me at lissables@gmail.com I love seeing what everyone else comes up with. And I would love to be able to share as much as possible! So even if you think yours isn’t that crazy, always remember simple is fun too!

I look forward to hearing from you!


And to make this deal a little sweeter I will pick one entry to win a special surprise! So get writing me!

Life and Disneyland

Lately life has been just fantastic. I mean the little moments. But you really cant appreciate them unless you have some crap thrown in the mix too. This week has been a roller coaster of ups & downs like that. I had my mom come to visit, and like every time she visits, she also has to leave. Up & down. I was late driving my pretend kids to school this morning and hit literally every red light in the city ( ps we were not even 1 minute late and he still got a tardy slip, aww poor kid!) But on the way back after school we also hit every red light but with no where to go we rolled down the windows and enjoyed the sun and sang some songs. Down & up (ps I am one of those people that sings out loud all the time in my car. I dont care if you see me, in fact I hope it makes you smile.) One of my said pretend kids had an accident right after we got into the McDonalds playground, and an hour later they both crushed me with hugs and told me they loved me. Big Down and Big Up! I buy some chips and enjoy them, I gain weight. Up and down and up and down. But like I said you cant appreciate the good without some bad.

But like I mentioned my mom came to visit this last week. Which explains my MIA on here. Because when she comes everything else freezes. I’m so lucky that I get to see her as much as I do since I moved to another country. So we hung out, giggled, shopped lots and ate at all her favorite places. We also went to Disneyland, we both had passes that were expiring and neither of us is renewing. (seriously that place is way too busy)

But we met up with some old family friends and had a great last visit. We did all our favorites, toy story, the animation academy, Bell’s hidden library where you can find out what disney character you are, (I was nala from the lion king, mom was cinderella haha.) We also did stuff we normally didnt make time for, seeing some spontaneous shows, the world of color water show, and less thrill seeking rides. All in all it was a great way to end the year of Disney. And now I have so many more pictures and memories from Disneyland that I will never catch up scrapbooking!

Miss you already mom, Thanks for the year of Disney!